Monday, March 21, 2011

Sneak peek at some Cheddar

These are pre-pre-production sketches for an upcoming stop-motion feature from Perfect Circle Productions Watch for their salty antics in a theatre near you.


Unknown said...

Holy smokes Andy, This is amazing!! Absolutely love those colors! Thanks for sharing!

Andy Bartlett said...

Thanks Joe. I mixed the colors with unicorn tears to get the gleam just so.

XENöSIS said...

Really awesome new posts. Great designs!

Andy Bartlett said...

Thanx XEN.

Daslav Vladilo said...

Amazing Designs, Great Work as always ¡¡¡

Andy Bartlett said...


Luis Gadea said...

great designs Andy!

Andy Bartlett said...

Thanks Luis. Now get off the internet & back to work.

Simmon Keith Barney / Simono KEITH said...

Mice and frogs, eh? Will there be pizza and porridge? ;)